TAXI GALLO NCC is available 24/7.
Where would you go? Write us!
San Bonifacio, Legnago, San Pietro di Morubio, Grezzana, Verona, Zimella
Via M. Roveggio, 6 – 37044 Cologna Veneta (Vr)
Provide us with as much information as possible! More we know about your needs more accurate our quote will be: just indicate the total number of passengers, luggage, date of service, place of departure, arrival and possible special requests.
If you are traveling with children, we are happy to offer safety seats that exactly match the age of the young passengers!
Once your request has been processed, we will send you a confirmation email that will specify all the data relating to your car hire with driver service. Please note that all our services are subject to availability and it is recommended to book at least 48 hours in advance; of course, we will also try to satisfy last minute requests.
You will be met your driver in the position and time indicated at the time of booking.
Write us your request
TAXI GALLO NCC is available 24/7.
Where would you go? Write us!
San Bonifacio, Legnago, San Pietro di Morubio, Grezzana, Verona, Zimella
Via M. Roveggio, 6 – 37044 Cologna Veneta (Vr)
Contact us by e-mail or telephone number giving us all necessary information.
We create a personal user profile
at the time of the first contact to simplify future
bookings or any last minute changes.
Easy, fast and safe!
Once your request has been processed, we will send you a confirmation email that will specify all the data relating to your chauffeur-driven car rental service. Please note that all our services are subject to availability and it is recommended to book at least 48 hours in advance; of course, we will also try to satisfy last minute requests.
Our drivers have excellent driving skills, excellent knowledge of the area and carry out their job with professionalism and seriousness. We have last new Mercedes Benz vehicles, equipped with all comforts and the highest safety standards. We provide a quality service that is not comparable to the municipal taxi service.